Open for Business, A New Beginning

It’s officially the start of a new season! 

Learn about AKCstyle & Founder Ashleigh K. Copeland

Learn about AKCstyle & Founder Ashleigh K. Copeland

At the beginning of a new season two things are certain. 

One, is it’s time for a Wardrobe RefreshI can bet you’ve experienced a winter stuck at home, and those denim shorts you love so much are feeling a little more snug than you remember. 

Or, you could be experiencing sore feet, and need a new width or length in your shoes.

Maybe you’ve outgrown your favorite belts and you need a new size or a new style all together. 

Unless you’re one of the lucky few who hasn’t experienced an increase in their waistline during COVID, it’s time for a complete refresh.  After reading this post, check out what a Wardrobe Refresh is all about, here.

More about AKCstyle services | 📸 photo credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland

More about AKCstyle services | 📸 photo credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland


The second thing that is certain is our readiness to start booking photo sessions. 

With so many uncertainties, in this new world we live in, it’s nice to have some consistency every now and then.  So, AKCstyle will continue to hold photo sessions for our Photography and Styling for Social Media service outdoors.  Let’s enjoy the warm weather together! 

The first thing on all of our minds is health and safety, especially these days.  By keeping our photo sessions limited to outdoor spaces, we’re able to maintain social distancing, and limit contact with potentially high touch surfaces. 


If you’ve been following along with us on Instagram and Facebook, you may have noticed we have client photo sessions which include masked and mask-less photos. 

This is definitely made safer by shooting outdoors.  You can find more of these photos in our post titled “Re-introduce Yourself.”

How to re-introduce yourself this year | 📸 photo credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland

How to re-introduce yourself this year | 📸 photo credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland



How to Gear Up For A Fresh Start


How to Find Your Color