Figure Skating Coaching

My mission is to help adults continue loving this amazing and glamorous sport as skaters, not only as spectators in the audience.  Life gets complicated and super busy as we graduate, move into “adult-jobs”, have families to care for, try to make time to socialize with friends, and have a load of other obligations that need our attention.  With all these obligations floating around your schedule, it’s difficult for you to keep track of what you want… for you.


You’ve said for years now, “I need to do something for myself again.”  Well, here’s the answer, figure skating!!  I know it’s totally wild to think of yourself on the ice again.  But I promise it’s worth it to try AND succeed!! Skating is how you recharge your battery after so many energy suckers deplete & drain you throughout the week.  Can you imagine having access to such an awesome resource?!

I’ve got lots of exciting ways for you to get back on the ice & have some fun.  Keep scrolling to see all the ways I support & guide you through your skating journey.

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Coaching Offers

  • 1:1 private coaching is for skaters who want individual attention.  These lessons are ideal for skaters who have already started taking group lessons & want to keep progressing. 

    If you’re nervous about getting on the ice, so you haven’t started lessons yet that’s ok! We’ll discuss where you’re currently at (regardless of level/ability during our consult). Tap the “Start Here” button to fill out your consult form.

    Let's meet for a consult to come up with a plan for you.  Each lesson is different & depends on your individual needs & goals.

  • Here’s your opportunity to do something bold & courageous.  Simply for yourself.  Because you know you deserve it!  Take the big, committed action you always avoid.  Knock yourself out of the comfort-zone you’ve built around yourself.  Push yourself to uplevel right now.  I’m here to support, guide, & reward you every step of the way.

    Up-level your health, mindset, personality, & of course your skating ability.  You need support, commitment, high standards, & a space where you can take risks without judgement.  🌟 This is a private coaching upgrade… more details coming soon 🌟.

  • 💥 Skate Full Out 💥 is a program for skaters who need to overcome their stage fright & fear of performing & competing.  Make it undeniable for the judges to say you deserve 1st place.  Make it easy for the judges to remember you.  Make it harder for your competition to beat you.

    You have what it takes in your skating ability to be great.  You work so hard every lesson you have, every session you practice.  You deserve to showcase all that hard work at competitions & receive the results to back that up too.

    This is why I created 💥 Skate Full Out 💥.  This is why this program exists, just for YOU.

  • Your mindset & mental health are just as important as your physical health & well-being.  Why don’t more skaters take this as seriously as I do??? 

    Well, you’re reading this, so I’m guessing you & I are on the same wavelength. More details coming soon on how you can tap into my winning mindset. 

    For now, check out my Reframe Your Mindset podcast on YouTube.

  • Stay tuned for new private coaching programs, workshops & exclusive offers throughout the year 😉.

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