4 Ways to Help You Reframe Your Mindset in One Month

Focus on Breathing in Week 1

Sometimes we forget to breath when we skate.  No really, we do!  When we’re so focused on something making us nervous or giving us anxiety, we forget to remind our body to take in breath. We have to start training our brains to refocus when those feelings come up. Practice your breath off-ice to make a good habit of taking intentional breaths.

A great way to do this is by trying different breathing techniques. One technique I use to quiet my racing thoughts is called box breathing.  I breathe in for 4 seconds, letting as much air as possible fill my lungs. Then, I hold in that breathe for 4 seconds. Let out your breathe for 4 seconds. Sometimes when I’m really trying to focus, I’ll hold again after my exhale for an additional 4 seconds which really helps me calm down.


Practice Stretching in Week 2

It’s time to get moving!  When you’re sitting working on your laptop, I’m sure you’ve caught yourself hunching over your screen. Maybe you’re stuck at your desk all day and your muscles start cramping. I know that’s happened to me before. All I can think of in this moment is how I wish I stood up & walked around sooner.

Moments like this remind me to keep my body moving. Throughout the day I find moments to stretch my upper body and legs. In fact, I set an alarm that goes off everyday at 11:00 a.m. reminding me to find time to stretch.

Even before you start skating, stretching off ice can help prepare your body for success.  Stretching your legs, arms, shoulders, neck, back & upper body can help you feel strong & helps prevent injury too.  You’ll be leaps & bounds ahead before even lacing up your skates when stretching becomes part of your daily routine. 


Repeat the Positive in Week 3

It’s natural to feel negative thoughts.  We’re humans after all.  It’s too stressful to walk around feeling positive constantly & block out negative thoughts.  But, if we stay in the negative & let those thoughts take over, we start training our brain that this is our life now. Trick your brain to think differently. Next time a negative thought pops in your head, think to yourself, “What is the opposite of this thought?” 

Write that opposite thought/ positive thought down on paper multiple times. Buy yourself a journal or composition book to write these thoughts down. Positive thoughts become affirmations or mantras you can repeat to yourself when the negative thoughts start creeping in. 

Take Action in Week 4

Now that your brain has hard evidence of all the things that help you reframe your mindset, it’s time to take the steps to get on the ice.  You have hard evidence to prove to yourself that you possess the skills necessary to overcome mindset obstacles.  You know how to breathe through your nerves, you can prepare your body for activity, you have affirmations/mantras to motivate you & bring in positive energy. 

Get to the rink & start skating NOW!  Look up your local rink’s public skating sessions, or freestyle ice times where you can skate freely. Mark it on your calendar.  Tell your friend, spouse, partner, or someone who can hold you accountable the day, time & location you’re going to skate.  Ask them to come with you if you need more support.

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