💥 Skate Full Out 💥 is a figure skating program for skaters who need to overcome their stage fright & fear of performing & competing.
💥 You’ll learn how to conquer your fear of being seen.
💥 You’ll learn how to take up space.
💥 You’ll learn how to move your body in ways you’ve never thought possible.
💥 You’ll improve your posture.
💥 You’ll become a skater who knows the difference between nervous energy & adrenaline they can use to their advantage.
Let’s compare Skater A & Skater B…
Both have…
✅ Clean, crispy, jumps
✅ Loads of height & power on their jumps
✅ Centered, fast spin positions
✅ Are clearly in control of their bodies
✅ Big smiles on their faces
✅ Exude confidence moving across the ice
✅ Unique choreography with steps going-in & coming-out of their elements
What is the deciding factor between each winning 1st or 2nd place??
The answer is their posture!!
You already work on perfecting your technique with your private coach & in group classes.
You already have the skills you need to be technically successful.
💥 So why aren’t your results reflected on the podium??💥
The doors to 💥 Skate Full Out 💥 are not currently open. Get on my waitlist today & you’ll be among the first notified when doors are open.

All of the work inside 💥 Skate Full Out 💥 is to force you to think differently. Breakout of your shell & become a brand new skater. The skater you always dream about being but can never seem to bring to life when it counts. Shed the old version of yourself who is scared, doubtful, & afraid.
Show your audience of judges, family, friends, teammates & coaches who you are truly capable of becoming.