Balance Exercises for Beginner Figure Skaters

Are you having trouble balancing on one foot? If you're a figure skater who is interested in gaining better balance this tutorial is for you. Make sure you're subscribed to @akcstyle on YouTube to learn more helpful figure skating balance & coordination tips from Coach Ashleigh.


How to Balance on One Foot

Are you having trouble balancing on one foot? Whether you're a figure skater or a non-athlete who is interested in gaining better balance, this tutorial is for you.

Coordination & Balance Training

Do you ever feel like coordination just isn't your thing? Don't let a lack of coordination stop you from trying figure skating. Here is a helpful tip to start learning coordination before you step on the ice if you're an adult looking to start skating.

Musicality in Figure Skating for Beginners

Want to learn what an 8-count is & how to find the beat for your next practice session? This short tutorial gives you a new perspective of how to step & move to the beat on & off the ice.

Improving Your Balance for Figure Skating

Here’s a quick challenge for you if you’re looking to improve your posture, balance, & core strength.


4 Ways to Help You Reframe Your Mindset in One Month


4 Tips to Escape Judgement in Figure Skating