Thoughtful Things to Do While Social Distancing

Written by Special Contributor: Magpie

While we’re waiting to exhale during this turbulent time, let’s not complain about being bored.  Let’s stop, literally, dying to get back to work.  We pray our companies re-open their doors, & a job awaits us.  While waiting, here are a few thoughtful things to do while in quarantine & social distancing.

1.    Spend time with our family (children, grandchildren & spouses)- we don’t have to be isolated in order to practice social distancing & stay safe

2.    Call a friend who lives alone, shutdown in solitude- Texting, making a call, & general communication goes a long way nowadays

3.    Offer to pick-up items at the grocery store for your neighbor

4.    Write a letter to someone you miss- Opening up a letter in the mail can do wonders to lift someone’s spirits.  This also helps the USPS.  Certainly, trouble lies ahead for them now too.

Photo Credit: Heather Ford | Unsplash

Photo Credit: Heather Ford | Unsplash


Watching the Air National Guard 104th flyover in Boston on May 6th, melted our hearts. One of our biggest blessings are the heroes on the front line, holding it down.  You know, the first responders, grocery workers, the postal workers, our healthcare providers, & so many countless others.  More than we can mention in one post.  We can never (ever) thank them effectively.  Thank you is not enough. We call these people essential WARRIORS.  Just doing their jobs says, “I got you”. Let’s keep all the essential warriors in mind as we’re thoughtfully moving through this crisis.

AKCstyle’s blog, The Next, New You is a community based on inclusion & opinions about culture, lifestyle, fashion & style.  Please leave your comments below.  We’re interested to hear your thoughts too.

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