It’s Time to Count Our Blessings

Written by Special Contributor,


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Once this pandemic has run its course, we can begin to settle into our new normal.  Most of us will realize how much we’ve learned about ourselves in this time of quarantine, even more, about others.  What we thought (perception) & what really is happening (reality), might actually be completely opposite.  Sometimes, this isn’t within our control. 

The best of people, shines through during tough times.  Good-hearted, well-meaning people always go out of their way to help others.  Operating on a daily basis, with basic common decency, as we should be.  Placing others’ needs above our own comes natural.

Don’t get me wrong though; ahead of all else my instinct for survival & self-care comes first.  Aren’t we constantly reminded to put our own oxygen masks on before assisting others when we fly?  Then, reach out to family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.  Of course, strangers count on the goodness of strangers.  Not knowing a person shouldn’t prevent assisting a stranger. Sometimes it’s called volunteerism.

Then, we can exhale.  We have the people who are quite comfortable with putting themselves front & center, all the time.  At all costs.  Being considerate & caring about others is a major inconvenience for some.  If being kind to others interferes in your life, it might be time to check your humanity barometer.  “Not my problem,” is the incorrect mantra to embrace. 

Your problem, my problem, society’s problems.  Today, like never before we should be on our knees, praying.  Every day, every blessing counts.  I am blessed to be alive & healthy.  I am blessed my family, friends, neighbors & co-workers are alive & healthy too.  Simple, basic comforts of food & shelter. Those are blessings.


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