6 Easy Ways to Find Your Personal Style

Welcome back to The Next, New You!  We’re chatting about easy ways to find your personal style.  Figuring out your personal style is easy when you know what you value. So, here are six easy ways to find your personal style if you’re not sure where to start.


#1: Quality Over Quantity

You’ve definitely heard this before; I’m not reinventing the wheel here. Quality over quantity is part of my philosophy because it works!

Investing in your wardrobe doesn’t mean spending a lot of money, it just means you’re spending your money wisely.


Make smart purchases based on your lifestyle, budget, & taste.  Choose high-quality fabrics, buy from brands you trust, read your care instructions & only purchase head-to-toe outfits that match your personal style.


After all, having a lot of clothes doesn’t mean you’re stylish. It just increases the likelihood of your wardrobe being packed with stuff you don’t even wear.

Eliminate the crap in your wardrobe no longer serving you.  Start by choosing quality over quantity.


#2: Style Over Fashion

Always choose style over fashion. Lead with your personal style over aimlessly following trends.

Choosing style over fashion doesn’t mean you’ll never buy into a trend again. And it certainly doesn’t mean you’re not stylish if you do shop for trends.

Instead, focus on investing in your wardrobe essentials.  These are pieces that relate to your lifestyle & personal taste. They’re essential because they stand the test of time.

When you invest in head-to-toe outfits you love, you’ll always have something to wear. Trust me you’ll keep repeating these looks season after season, year after year.

#3: Express Your Personality Through Style


What you wear doesn’t represent who you are, but who you are should be reflected in what you wear.


The perfect example of this part of my philosophy is the trend “logomania”.  Does wearing a Fendi pullover, Gucci sneakers, or Versace jacket mean you’re expensive? No!


You may like wearing these brands & showcasing these logos, there’s nothing wrong with that.  However, there is such a thing as too much.  Where many people start to stumble in their personal style journey is when they buy into a brand more than their own personal style. 


Confusing logos as an expression of your personality leads to a wardrobe full of trends, outdated clothing & pieces you only wear a handful of times.

#4: Invest in Yourself

Investing in your wardrobe IS an investment in yourself.


We’ve all seen a wonderfully crafted handbag, unique pair of shoes, or interesting coat that’s a little out of our price range. Instead of walking away from it next time, think about your investment per wear. 


How many times will you actually wear it?  

Do you already own pieces you can pair with it?

Is it a timeless piece or a trendy piece?


I’ll never promote spending beyond your means. I’ve been guilty of this myself & it’s not a good place to be.  However, you must strike a balance between present you & future you.  Your worth will never grow if you keep staying in a struggle-bus mindset.

#5: You’re Capable of Transformation!

Boost your confidence to increase your self-worth & transform your life.


No, it’s not going to happen overnight. No, it’s not going to be easy.


Yes, it will be fun! Yes, it’s DEFINITELY worth it!


The easiest way to start investing in yourself is by updating your wardrobe.


Updating your wardrobe doesn’t automatically change your life. But, when you start investing in yourself & see growth, your confidence increases.


Get the promotion you’ve been working hard for.  Make a great first impression in your new role.  Start creating the personal image you need to attract the right clients to your business.


Wearing new, head-to-toe outfits you love changes how you feel about yourself & people will notice the difference!


#6: Believe in Yourself

The Next, New You is right around the corner, don’t give up on yourself. 


When you’re confident in yourself, the opinions of others matter less.  Everyone will always have an opinion, but only you can determine your worth.


Start believing in the future you want to create for yourself & dress for it now!



If you’re ready to invest in yourself, invest in your wardrobe & invest in your future, start here.

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Learn about the AKCstyle Philosophy here!


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