3 Ways to Refresh Your Wardrobe


Today, we’re chatting about sorting and decluttering your wardrobe.

Before you make any drastic decisions like starting a Shopify site to sell all your clothes, make sure you consider our advice below. 

By following these three steps as you begin to sort through your closet, you’re less likely to get stuck or overwhelmed. 

If the process does become too much to handle in one day, simply reach out to AKCstyle

We’ll do the legwork for you. 

See all the details about our Wardrobe Refresh service here.

More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland

More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland


we recommend cleaning out your closet in spring and fall. 

For many of you reading this, you’re probably used to the ever-changing weather of New England.  So, you’re likely used to pulling out your wool sweaters come October, and packing up shorts and flip flops. 

Come April and May, you pack up your cold-weather gear for bathing suits, and keep your lightweight jackets close-by.

If you’re new to the New England climate, you’ll soon understand these transitional times of year.

More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland

More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland


The start and end of each season is the perfect time to touch every single thing hanging in your closet, or sitting in your drawers. 

If you have yet to wear that corduroy vest, or printed midi skirt, it may be time for you to part ways with it.

By touching everything in your wardrobe you are able to really evaluate what you’re actually wearing, or never had a chance to wear.

More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland

More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland


Maybe you bought a special piece because it was on sale. 

Or, you bought a suit or cocktail dress in anticipation of a wedding you are planning to attend.  You may even have a fancy pair of shoes you’ll only pull out for job interviews, or other intermittent occasions.

While those unique pieces do take up space in your closet, they are investments for your future needs, and worth holding onto.

More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland

More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland


On the other hand, pieces with sale tags from five years ago, can likely be donated, repurposed, or even sold. 

Consider reselling quality items which have never been worn.  You probably won’t see the price you paid for it again, but something is better than nothing.

Scroll down for quick tips on how you can successfully refresh your wardrobe in three steps.

Happy organizing, and stay well!


More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland

More information about AKCstyle services | Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland

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