lessons for kids, adults and families

Figure Skating


My mission is to help adult skaters understand they can continue loving this amazing and glamorous sport not just as spectators, but as participants.  Life gets complicated and super busy as we graduate, move into “adult-jobs”, have families to care for, try to make time to socialize with friends, and have a load of other obligations that need attention. 

With all these things running through our heads, it’s difficult to keep track of what we want. When do we make time to recharge our own battery?

My Bio

Figure skating coach, adult skater, lover of the sport!

how to do a camel spin skating

How to Master Your Spins

The reason why your spins aren’t fast & centered is because your body awareness is lacking.  If you can’t find the center of your body, you will ALWAYS travel on your spins.


⛸️ If you’re not finding that snap position on your spins you won’t get any speed.

⛸️ If you’re not finding success in every spin you do, you’re not finding your Rocker.

⛸️ If your check-out position isn’t fast & flowy, you’re not engaging your calf muscles enough.


When you understand how to position your arms, shoulders, legs, & feet you’ll see success in every type of spin you do. Success means having awesome flow, speed, control & balance… EVERYTIME!

The Ultimate Competition Checklist

✨New Edition!!✨ You can control how prepared you are for the inevitable mishap or major catastrophe.

What if you could be the teammate everyone runs to when they need an extra safety pin or extra spritz of hairspray? 

Download The Ultimate Competition Checklist instantly!! Don’t get ready, stay ready.