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How to Find Your Color

📸 Photo Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland | Brighton, MA

Do you ever feel sick and tired of wearing the same types of clothes everyday? 

Do you wish you could experiment with incorporating a few new outfits into your wardrobe

Have you ever tried something new and it didn’t go as well as you hoped? 

Well, of course you have!  I think we can all relate to the feeling of optimism and risk, only to feel the sting of let down when it doesn’t work out for us.

Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland | More from AKCstyle

While this sting can relate to many aspects of our lives, let’s start on a small scale. 

Something like, our wardrobes.  If the thought of organizing, categorizing, and editing your wardrobe overwhelms you, here’s the best way to overcome those thoughts…, reach out to AKCstyle!

Trust me, a little help goes a long way.  With a new season upon us, you’re in need of a Wardrobe Refresh

After reading this post, jump over here, for all the details about AKCstyle’s Wardrobe Refresh system.  

📸 Photo Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland | Location: Brighton, MA

It’s time to stow away your heavy winter coats, thick soled boots, and fleece layers. 

Let’s opt-in to lighter fabrics, slip-on shoes, and hats to protect our skin from the sun. 

But, before you start feverishly Googling for sun hats and new shoes, let’s talk about color. While it may seem like a strange place to start, rather than with size or brand, knowing your color palette will lessen your shopping time by 50%.

Ok, ok, maybe I’m being overly optimistic by saying 50% because the process of shopping is different for everyone. 

However, I use a fool proof strategy when I shop for myself and my clients, so 50% is my personal assessment.  

Now that you’re fully ready to start building your seasonal wardrobe, let’s start talking about color.   I’ll be showing you a brief example from one of my Photography and Styling for Social Media clients Stephanie, pictured below.

📸 Photo Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland | Location: Brighton, MA

Stephanie has a pretty casual personal style, so the creative direction I’m basing her session around is denim and leather. 

Our goal for the shoot is to convey relatability, stay true to her personal style, and stay within her budget.  All the pieces she is wearing compliment her fair skin tone, and don’t wash her out. 

As the photographer and stylist for these photo sessions, it’s important to me to highlight my client’s best features.  The color palette for this shoot is a mix of bright shades of pink, blue, and red. 

📸 Photo Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland | Location: Brighton, MA

Using these colors accentuate her eyes, skin, and overall aesthetic.  The bright shades match her outgoing personality, rather than using typical winter shades of cream, grey, or brown.

The two neutral colors I added to the color palette are black and white.  The white t-shirt I layered under each look is not the focal point.  But, when you do see it, the white stands out against the blue sky nicely. 

The neutrality of the white t-shirt breaks up the rest of the color palette by giving your eyes a break from the saturated colors.  

📸 Photo Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland | Location: Brighton, MA

Having Stephanie wear black jeans, works as a neutral base she can easily match with each look for the shoot. 

It’s a bonus that she can also wear these jeans with everything already in her closet after the shoot too.  

Being that Stephanie is petite, I want to give her a nice line and silhouette to compliment her height.  Her side-zip, black, block heel boots are achieving the clean  silhouette I hoped for. 

Plus, the block heels give her comfort for all-day wear.  Whether she tucks her pants in these boots, or rolls them over the boots, the lack of fussiness of the side zipper further accentuates her clean silhouette.

📸 Photo Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland | Location: Brighton, MA

I love receiving the reactions from my clients after I deliver their photos to them. 

Whether the photos are for a dating profiles, social media pages, or have a business focus, the photo sessions are so much fun to shoot, style, and be apart of. 

It’s also nice to see an unmasked laugh, and a smile through my camera lens during theses sessions.  A smile is like the exclamation point of your outfit.  Hopefully, we’ll get to see more smiles and less masks in the coming months.

So, now that you have an idea of why I chose this color palette for Stephanie’s photo session you have one example of how AKCstyle creates the next, new you.  Here are the quick tips for your reference later. 

If you liked this post, check out more photo sessions here.

Stay well!


Credit: Ashleigh K. Copeland | More from AKCstyle

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