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A Guide For Perfecting Your Spins

Come skate with me today, where we’re focusing on spins. Let’s practice the entry positions for a Fast-Back Scratch Spin, a Camel-Spin & more. We’re breaking down the key positions you need to hit to have centered, well-balanced & fast spins. After spinning, be sure to start your next session off on the right foot by warming-up your jumps with my jump tutorial.

The reason why your spins aren’t fast & centered is because your body awareness is lacking. ⬇️

 ⛸️ If you can’t find the center of your body, you will ALWAYS travel on your spins. 

⛸️ If you’re not finding that snap position (especially in your Scratch & Back Scratch spins) you won’t get any speed.

⛸️ If you’re not finding success in every spin you do, you’re not finding your rocker.

⛸️ If your check-out position isn’t fast & flowy, you’re not engaging your leg muscles enough.

➡️➡️➡️ When you understand how to position your arms, shoulders, legs, & feet you’ll see success in every type of spin you do.  🤩 Success looks like having awesome flow, speed, control & balance… EVERYTIME!