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3 Ways to Level-Up Your Life

Leveling up your life isn’t easy, but here are a few qucik tips to get you started. But, before we dive in to each tip, let’s talk about What leveling up even means? Think about an elevator. You’re on the ground floor or the lobby of whatever building you’re in.

In order to start moving & go to the next floor, there are steps you need to take first. The elevator doors need to close after you step on. You’ll press the button for the floor you want to get to.

But, what if someone else wants to get on the elevator with you? The elevator stops. take a moment to take in the sights as you move through the building.

You get to see what the floor looks like that person or people are coming from. Is it sun-drenched? Are there lots of people coming & going, walking around that level? How are they dressed? What are they doing?

The foot traffic on each floor probably starts thinning out. Each level of the building gets more,& more sunlight. Each level gives you a feeling of anticipation of what the next one might look like.

Now that you have a visual representation of what leveling up means, can you imagine yourself moving towards a more elevated version of yourself?

Identify What You’re Good At

Spend time to write down the skills you consider yourself to be the best version of yourself doing. Literally write a list by Putting pen to paper. Save this list & put it somewhere safe. Trust me, you’ll be looking back at this list from time-to-time. Especially on those days where you’re feeling any type of self-doubt.

Define Your Path to Success

Create the best path for you to determine what is successful or not. You’re the only person who can decide if you’re successful or not.

Full Stop! The outside voices trying to influence you to change course need to be silenced. One of the best ways to silence these negative nellies is by action. Start doing the thing you deem will bring you success & it will come!

Find Ways to Express Your Skills

Others often find value in skills you may think are frivolous because they come easy to you.

You are your own worst critic. I know it!

The things you do out of habit that you think are minimal, or don’t matter, are special to others people. Because those people can’t even come close to the talent you have.

So, let it out!!! Show & tell people what you can do. Stop being afraid to express your skills.